一時使用目的建物賃貸借契約書 - 入力画面 / Temporary Use Lease Contract - Input Screen

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一時使用(仮住まい) / Temporary Use (Short-Term Stay)

※本契約は一時使用目的のみに限られ、更新はできません。 / *This contract is limited to temporary use and cannot be renewed.

契約条項 / Contract Clauses

第1条 自己のための一時使用目的 / Article 1: Temporary Use for Personal Purposes
The tenant shall lease the property for temporary use for personal purposes and shall not use it for any other purposes. The tenant shall not transfer the leasehold rights or sublease the property to a third party.

第2条 賃料 / Article 2: Rent
The rent amount shall be paid in accordance with the terms listed in the heading (5). If the desired lease period is less than one month, the amount shall be prorated. Rent payment shall be made in advance at the time of move-in. Even if the tenant vacates the property before the initial lease term expires, no refund will be provided for prepaid rent.

第3条 建物の諸設備 / Article 3: Facilities
The tenant may use the furniture and fixtures installed in the property.

第4条 水道光熱費の負担 / Article 4: Utility Expenses
If the utility expenses incurred during the lease term are significantly high, the landlord may charge the tenant for the excess amount, and the tenant shall promptly pay upon request.

第5条 賃借人の善管注意義務 / Article 5: Tenant's Duty of Care
The tenant shall maintain the property in its current condition and keep it clean while using it, exercising the duty of care of a good manager.

第6条 建物の清掃 / Article 6: Cleaning
Upon the end of temporary use and vacating the property, the tenant shall restore the property to its original condition at the time of move-in and return it to the landlord.

第7条 契約解除 / Article 7: Contract Termination
If the tenant violates Articles 1 or 5 of this agreement, the landlord may immediately terminate the lease contract.